Welcome to Maths at Faith Primary Academy

Our Co-Ordinator is Miss Fox

Our Vision

At Faith Primary Academy we believe that Maths is for everyone!

The Maths provision at Faith Primary Academy aims to lay a solid foundation in mathematical concepts and skills, fostering critical thinking, problem- solving abilities and numerical literacy in our learners.

We believe that developing a love for math involves showcasing its relevance and beauty in every day life and fostering a positive attitude towards problem-solving and critical thinking.  Reali-life applications of math can inspire curiosity and appreciation for the subject, encouraging students to see mathematics not just as a set of abstract concepts but as a powerful tool for understanding the world.

It is our overall aim to ensure that all children develop  the necessary knowledge and skills to contribute positively to society,  both now and as they enter into adult life. By providing our children with a curriculum that develops both a positive attitude and a genuine enjoyment of math, we believe that this will help children to know more, remember more and understand more.


Teachers in Reception follow the NCETM Mastering Number Scheme, which focuses on securing firm foundations in the development of good number sense for all children.

The approach focuses on 4 key areas of “Mastering Number”

  • Subitising
  • Cardinality, ordinality and counting
  • Composition
  • Compassion

All of the above ensure that the children have a solid foundation for when they enter KS1 and begin the White Rose Maths Curriculum.

Key Stage 1 and 2 Curriculum  

Teachers from Year 1 to Year 6  use the White Rose Scheme of Learning resources to support the careful planning of each small step for each unit. It is underpinned by the concrete, pictorial, abstract (CPA) approach. Classrooms have a range of mathematical resources made available for children in each key stage.  These include, but are not limited to, Numicon, Base 10, place value counters, bead strings, number lines, digit cards and hundred squares. In order to ensure all learners are working at the same pace, our school uses flexible interventions to address misconceptions where children have additional support before the next lesson – this allows most learners to be broadly in line with their peers.

The core of White Rose Maths is the maths mastery approach, which focuses on depth rather than acceleration, ensuring that key concepts are fully grasped before moving on.

Basic Skills Sessions

Children access daily maths skills session designed by their teacher, based on gap analysis. This provides opportunities for all children to practise their mental and calculation knowledge. This serves to reinforce and consolidate previous learning; increase fluency, speed and accuracy.


All children from Y2 upwards have a login in for Times Table Rockstars can play interactively to improve their scores. Each fortnight the child who has scored the highest is praised during celebration assembly and awarded with a certificate. Regular use of ‘TT Rockstars’ within school and home enables children to practise multiplication and division knowledge, which is an essential skill to develop.