Faith Primary Academy,
Prince Edwin Street,
L5 3LW.
Tel: 0151 233 5092
Executive headteacher: Mrs L Gannon
Head of School: Miss D Fox
Assistant Head and SENDCo: Miss K McDowell
Chair of Governors: Christopher Williams
Enquiries to:
Mrs C Taxiltaridis – Attendance & Office Manager
Mrs C Close – Office & Business Co-ordinator
For any bad weather information: Visit Radio Merseyside:

Our Instagram feed is updated regularly with photos and news of what we have been up to. We use it to tell our parents, our local community and city and other schools and professionals what we are doing and to share ideas and resources.
Every child in Faith Primary Academy has an online journal which you can access through an access code given by your child’s class teacher. You will be able to see their work and what the class is up to.
Our regular paper newsletters look back on the highlights of the half term and look forward to what is coming up in the next half term.
Make an appointment
Don’t forget, you can make an appointment to meet your child’s class teacher if you would like to speak to them face to face.
Contact Us
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